As an Indonesian I want to introduce a special Indonesian batik fashion. I will tell you information batik Sidoarjo, Indonesia. Who does not know Sidoarjo, since the Lapindo mudflow, no one will be familiar with the district of Sidoarjo. Sidoarjo District located south of Surabaya. Sidoarjo is famous for its shrimp crackers, shrimp paste, paste and bandengnya, Tanggulangin (still Sidoarjo also) with craft bags and suitcases, Wedoro with craft shoes and sandals that still includes Sidoarjo area, then Porong with ote-ote and mud lapindonya, they existed in Sidoarjo regency. And now Sidoarjo batik Jetis rise with potential. Sidoarjo also have Kampoeng Jetis Batik batik with the name, this Kampoeng produce handmade batik motifs typical of Sidoarjo.Batik has become a trend now in all societies, both in events both formal and informal. In this era of modernization and globalization of traditional batik was still in love and preserved by people who have global perspective and modern. One is the traditional batik Jetis located in Sidoarjo. Its location in the central city of Sidoarjo, precisely Diponegoro street, there will be no gate with no ornamental motifs and batik canting. Batik Kampoeng Jetis actually been there decades ago. Expertise is acquired and controlled batik hereditary. Motive is also an ancient motif, not much change from the old motifs used by its predecessor. There abangan and green-ijoan (Madura style), rice kutah motive, motive krubutan (mixed up) then there is a peacock motif, and other motifs. Motif batik cloth Jetis dominated flora and fauna typical of Sidoarjo, which has bright colors, red, green, yellow, and black. Batik Excellence Jetis precisely in striking color. Even when the crafters offer handmade batik with soft colors, the market is less respond.
In the scattered houses Jetis kampoeng batik crafters who is one of the largest centers of Batik Sidoarjo In this kampoeng will find the buildings with the architecture of the temple of tempoe doeloe interesting enough to be listened to, large windows and an antique wrought iron, can we imagine the future prime area is quite crowded and there are many homes of batik craftsmen and occupy the area.
Currently batik entrepreneurs in this area amounted to an 30-craftsmen who are members of cooperatives with the hiring of hundreds of mothers batik. Price Jetis batik is 5 times more expensive than the batik print. Prices range between Rp 150,000 - Rp 2.5 million per sheet according to the complexity of patterns.
The high demand for used clothing batik fabric with various models, motivated craftsmen to continue to launch new style. Batik Kampoeng Jetis now kept clean, especially to produce batik patterns according to market tastes. Craft continues to develop his creations by not only selling batik cloth, but had a ready-made shirt. Another creativity displayed by producing shoes and sandals with batik fabrics, including bags and other trinkets. Creativity crafters really tested to be able to master the local market from the invasion of the patterned batik textile imports. Hopefully batik can be developed and can be recognized by the whole world. A few of my information about typical Sidoarjo batik.