That is the first documented report of legendary creatures Mokele Mbembe.
This mysterious creature believed to live in lakes and streams Likouala Tele leading Tele lakes in the area of the Congo, Africa. Just like his brother of Scotland's Nessie, Mokele Mbembe is also believed to be a prehistoric creature that can survive against the changing times.
Its name comes from the unique Lingala language meaning "something that stops the flow of the river. " According to eyewitnesses, this creature has the body characteristics of a small elephant or rhino big, long necks, long tails and small heads. The color is brown mixed with gray and is believed to be herbivores. Several other witnesses reported seeing a mane on the back of his neck. Locals also say that this creature scaring other animals in the river and the locals like to reverse the boat that was passing.

News about these creatures to the western world through British traders who stopped by to Africa. They heard about these creatures from local residents and convey it from mouth to mouth until he came to the ears of the traveler and collector of rare animals from the western world.
Events encounter with this creature is shocking occurred in 1932. Cryptozoology experts from the UK named Ivan Sanderson along with his partner Gerald Russell who on an expedition to the Congo to find a collection of great tracks like a hippopotamus. But the area where he found the trail does not have hippos, because that Sanderson thought that the trail would not own a horse Nile. Locals then told Sanderson that traces it's a creature named "Mgbulu eM'bembe".
Then, when Sanderson and Russell were getting to the river Mainyu, they heard strange sounds terrible roar emerged from a cave near a river.
"It was the most frightening sound I've ever heard. It sounded like an earthquake that getting up and exploded." Said Sanderson.

"We do not know what we have seen, but the creature seemed to burn the retina of my eyes. The creature looks like something that should have died millions of years ago. As a scientist, I should be happy, but the encounter was so awful that I do not want to see him again. "
Another expedition is quite horrendous happened in 1983. At that time Agnagna Marcellin, a Zoologist from zoo Brazzavilles led an expedition to Lake Tele. By the time a colleague was cleaning mud embedded in his body on the edge of Lake Tele, the creature emerges from the water. Agnana heard his screams and immediately ran to the lake. He saw the creature moving to and fro in the water for 20 minutes. He estimated the creature has a length of 5 meters. Front of his brown color, while the rear was shiny black. Agnagna also describe the creature has a head like a crocodile, similar to the description of Sanderson.
In 1985, William Gibbons who conducted an expedition to Lake Tele was informed that in 1959, pygmies who live around the lake had managed to catch a giant unknown creature. They cut up the creature and eat it. According to the story, all the people of the tribe of pygmies who ate it died with a mysterious creature not long afterward. But according to them, there are two such giant creatures that still live in Lake Tele. This makes Gibbons concluded that there is a group of Mokele Mbembe in the lake Tele. This argument is quite reasonable given the appearance of these creatures have been started since 1776.
In 1992, William Gibbons returned to the lake Tele with explorers named Rory Nugent. They roam Bai river, lake and lake Tibeke Fouloukuo that is not listed on the map. Rory Nugent said she saw something shaped head emerged from the lake. But if it heads Mokele Mbembe or not, can not be ascertained.

The question of identity Mokele Mbembe has been disturbing to investigators for more than a hundred years. What kind of creature is this? Some researchers say the theory that local residents may be wrong to identify an elephant. But Roy Mackal, a renowned expert Cryptozoolgy reject the theory of this identification. According to him, sighting reports coming from credible witnesses with diverse backgrounds.
Interestingly, in the 1960s, a young man named James Powell herpetolog who are interested in this story of a trip to Congo. There, he met with a witness who had met with the Mokele Mbembe. Powell then showed him some pictures of the animals. When it came to drawing Diplodocus, one of the types of sauropods, the witnesses were recognized as Mokele Mbembe.
Although until now scientists have not managed to find authentic evidence of the existence of this creature, but an important question that should be addressed to those who doubt the existence of Mokele Mbembe is: Are ethnic Congolese pygmies and local residents have conspired to create a hoax? I do not think so!
But like any other creature Cryptozoology, Mokele Mbembe will continue to be viewed skeptically by most people. As long as we do not capture these creatures live or die, everyone will still think this thing is a myth or a joke just like any other lake creaturesall over the the world .
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